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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
91 The Hammer Bug New High CODEMAXEDIT.INI changes and an old preferences file 09/15/2017 08:59 AM
67 The Hammer Bug New High Add Scintilla Print feature Wil van Antwerpen 07/07/2021 07:22 PM
58 The Hammer Bug Closed High Missing adjust text while typing keywords feature Wil van Antwerpen 07/17/2017 11:10 AM
50 The Hammer Bug Closed High Running TH3 on a computer that never had TH installed throws errors Wil van Antwerpen 06/22/2017 05:13 PM
33 The Hammer Bug Closed High Change functionality on operator key words Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:18 PM
8 The Hammer Bug Closed High create procedure and type space crashes hammer 03/20/2017 06:29 PM
191 DfRefactor Feature New Normal Unused local variables & commented code 01/11/2023 11:39 AM
190 DfRefactor Feature New Normal Unused variables to also delete blank line 01/11/2023 11:36 AM
189 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Refactor Calc/MoveInt does not save changes 08/12/2022 12:46 PM
188 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Keyword casing does not match DAWs case on some words 08/12/2022 12:37 PM
187 DfRefactor Bug New Normal drop self has issues with multiple objects on the same line 08/10/2022 06:49 PM
186 cFileSystem Library Suggestion New Normal inconsistency regarding pbEOF property 06/01/2021 09:15 AM
185 DfRefactor Suggestion New Normal Comments at column 0 should not be indented 01/17/2021 12:29 AM
184 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Don't change casing for struct members 01/17/2021 12:26 AM
183 DfRefactor Suggestion New Normal Indenting of use Statements to respect scope 01/17/2021 12:23 AM
182 DfRefactor Bug Resolved Normal should be an exception Nils Svedmyr 09/06/2021 08:09 AM
181 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Space in filename confuses parser 11/10/2020 03:37 PM
180 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Commenting out a column when using remember column logic breaks the list 10/22/2020 07:20 PM
179 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Pdf export has some issues with date columns 10/22/2020 07:17 PM
178 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Numeric data needs to be filled? 10/16/2020 03:07 PM
177 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Reordered columns don't always come back on reopening view 10/16/2020 03:06 PM
176 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Export functionality does not work when grouped 10/16/2020 03:18 PM
175 dfSplat Feature New Normal Trace timings via a flamegraph 10/03/2020 09:56 PM
174 dfSplat Feature New Normal Add support for Web Applications 10/03/2020 09:56 PM
173 dfSplat Bug New Normal Property tooltip evaluations in another object show wrong value 07/16/2020 02:47 PM
(1-25/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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