Bug #176
Export functionality does not work when grouped
Albin reported to me that there's issues with the Pdf/Excel/Csv export when you the list has a group active.
The error is deep in the bowels of syncfusion and it isn't 100% sure at this moment why.
There's currently 2 workarounds.
The first one is easiest.
Disable this functionality when a group is active.
The second one is a tad more involved and requires some changes to the javascript wrapper and does not work if you use any aggregates (see reply below)
#1 Updated by Wil van Antwerpen over 4 years ago
The second workaround involves making changes to sfWebList.js, look for function onToolbarButtonClick and change from:
var objId = this._eControl.id; if (args.item.id === objId+'_pdfexport') { grid.pdfExport(); } else if (args.item.id === objId+'_excelexport') { grid.excelExport(); } else if (args.item.id === objId+'_csvexport') { grid.csvExport(); }
var objId = this._eControl.id; var ExportProperties = { dataSource : grid.dataSource }; if (args.item.id === objId+'_pdfexport') { grid.pdfExport(ExportProperties); } else if (args.item.id === objId+'_excelexport') { grid.excelExport(ExportProperties); } else if (args.item.id === objId+'_csvexport') { grid.csvExport(ExportProperties); }
As it isn't perfect and is likely to have its own side effects we have not currently applied this one.
The basics for the first workaround can be found in the SyncFusionOrderSwedish.wo view.