Bug #157
In to contains refactor option breaks insert command
Reported on behalf of Jose.
I have tried IN -> Contains function on our biggest project and it doesn't compile after that. Reason is that we have Insert command on it.
Suppose something like this:
string city move "Niagara, NY" to city insert " Falls" in city at 8
It gets refactored to:
string city move "Niagara, NY" to city insert (city contains " Falls") at 8
#1 Updated by Wil van Antwerpen over 5 years ago
Leon reports that you also have to take comments into account:
The above problem also exists in comment lines.
Like this, these lines:
// record to the end of the table. In both cases we take
// all record in between, and also add the stepsize
// record to the end of the (both contains table.) cases we take
// all (between, contains record) and also add the stepsize
#2 Updated by Wil van Antwerpen about 5 years ago
The "In to Contains" refactoring was done via regular expressions.
While the idea is great, neither of us wanted to support that and as such we pulled the refactoring option and decided that it has to be written using code we can understand and follow without it ending up becoming a puzzle.
#3 Updated by Wil van Antwerpen about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed