Bug #182
LoginEncryptionKey.inc should be an exception
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Reported by Marco on January 13, 2021
#Include LoginEncryptionKey.inc
Was missed and moved into DFRefactor Backup
Probably because…
Project source is:
Object oApplication is a cApplication
Object oConnection is a cConnection
Use LoginEncryption.pkg
Use DatabaseLoginDialog.dg
But the loginEncryption.pkg is in the DF19.1\pkg directory, which contains the include back to the local file
Use cLoginEncryption.pkg
Object oLoginEncryption is a cLoginEncryption
// this must be created in your appsrc directory and must contain an encryption
// key that is set to psEncryptPassword. It will look something like this
// Set psEncryptPassword to "JchUAo7W@r.b{<Yk~OONi0nq=sMi[*Rn[A-`Vo)q"
#Include LoginEncryptionKey.inc
// use this to register this object to your cConnection Object. This object
// must be created after the cConnection object
Move Self to ghoLoginEncryption
My recommendation is to code an exception;
If code contains “Use LoginEncryption.pkg” then ACT as if the code read “#Include LoginEncryptionKey.inc”
#1 Updated by Nils Svedmyr over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Nils Svedmyr
The suggested solution has been applied; an exception is made for the LoginEncryptionKey.inc file in Function UnusedPackages of the cUnusedSourceFiles.pkg