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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
100 The Hammer Bug Rejected Normal Scroll then click on a line pops up dialog Wil van Antwerpen 04/05/2018 10:59 PM
47 The Hammer Feature Rejected Low TH3: Make function autoselection list dissappear after no more matches 06/25/2017 01:52 PM
157 DfRefactor Bug Closed Normal In to contains refactor option breaks insert command 11/28/2019 11:22 PM
125 DfRefactor Bug Closed Normal Reindent comment after class ends up at column 0 11/28/2019 11:17 PM
127 DfRefactor Bug Closed Normal Starzen test case if-else statement with semicolumn and begin on next line 11/28/2019 11:14 PM
137 DfRefactor Bug Closed Normal Function autocomplete end comment optonal 05/01/2019 06:27 PM
114 Source Code Tools Bug Closed Normal A Swedish developer found out that extended characters got mangled up 08/16/2018 01:49 PM
75 The Hammer Bug Closed Low Drag and drop from file explorer with no files open fails 06/03/2019 04:43 PM
103 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal Code collapse on sections 06/03/2019 04:42 PM
118 The Hammer Suggestion Closed Normal After external edit reload on current line 06/03/2019 04:42 PM
148 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Method Extract: Procedure without parameters not called 06/03/2019 04:41 PM
135 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Tool panel drag and drop has no undo 06/03/2019 04:40 PM
146 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Method Extract: Changing to function does put return type in invocation 06/03/2019 04:40 PM
145 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Method Extract: Indent the preview screen 06/03/2019 04:39 PM
143 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Method Extract: top comment, display database fields as "db" 06/03/2019 04:38 PM
111 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal Add Ignore Comments feature to Find in Files 06/04/2018 02:05 PM
27 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal TH3: Make trim whitespace at End of Line on save configurable 04/06/2018 02:40 PM
96 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Search and Replace should start from being Wil van Antwerpen 04/06/2018 02:37 PM
98 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Statusbar line number is not updated when using line up/down select 04/06/2018 02:36 PM
99 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Search highlight isn't always highlighted 04/06/2018 02:36 PM
102 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal Add a way to disable creating .bak files Wil van Antwerpen 04/06/2018 02:35 PM
104 The Hammer Suggestion Closed Normal Multi row file tabs Wil van Antwerpen 04/06/2018 02:34 PM
90 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Re-Indent indents dataflex images in console mode 09/18/2017 09:19 PM
88 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Refactor Object Neighborhood does not work on if/else Wil van Antwerpen 09/14/2017 03:13 PM
85 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal code collapse is executed when the user clicks anywhere between the [-] Wil van Antwerpen 09/12/2017 11:49 PM
49 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Clicking save icon while focus is on code explorer triggers error 98 Wil van Antwerpen 08/12/2017 12:35 PM
31 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Use a default non western codepage and using local characters show up as ???? 07/25/2017 08:40 PM
63 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal CM_PosFromChar scintilla support Wil van Antwerpen 07/25/2017 08:40 PM
58 The Hammer Bug Closed High Missing adjust text while typing keywords feature Wil van Antwerpen 07/17/2017 11:10 AM
62 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Make Replace Dialog replace 07/17/2017 11:08 AM
15 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Starting Hammer comes up with another view as when closed Sergey Natarov 07/06/2017 02:19 PM
33 The Hammer Bug Closed High Change functionality on operator key words Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:18 PM
26 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal Workspace needs more as 10 projects Sergey Natarov 07/06/2017 02:17 PM
51 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal SciLexer.dll - embedded quotes within string is seen as unclosed string Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:16 PM
52 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal SciLexer.dll - EOL Comment after embedded quotes is seen as EOL comment Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:16 PM
54 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Scilexer - Issue with detection of hexadecimal numbers Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:15 PM
56 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Scilexer - make scope keywords configurable Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:15 PM
66 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Scintilla incorrectly shows marker braces Wil van Antwerpen 07/06/2017 02:13 PM
42 The Hammer Feature Closed Normal Code collapse - expand all, collapse all 06/25/2017 02:00 PM
32 The Hammer Feature Closed Low Make scope words configurable 06/25/2017 01:48 PM
50 The Hammer Bug Closed High Running TH3 on a computer that never had TH installed throws errors Wil van Antwerpen 06/22/2017 05:13 PM
29 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Undo should never work past the initial file read Wil van Antwerpen 03/29/2017 09:26 PM
30 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Line number margin width should be set automatically on growing/shrinking lines Wil van Antwerpen 03/29/2017 09:25 PM
35 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Scintilla last char missing Wil van Antwerpen 03/29/2017 09:25 PM
34 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Parser chokes on IFDEF statement in cEditorEdit.pkg Wil van Antwerpen 03/28/2017 11:32 PM
8 The Hammer Bug Closed High create procedure and type space crashes hammer 03/20/2017 06:29 PM
7 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal Code complete on find eq by crashes with mertech driver 03/20/2017 06:22 PM
5 The Hammer Bug Closed Normal FMAC file in Hammer will cause high memory usage 03/20/2017 06:08 PM
105 vWin32fh Windows File Handling Bug Closed Normal Using vSHGetFolderPath vCSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS in Windows 10 does not return a result 03/23/2018 01:07 PM
182 DfRefactor Bug Resolved Normal should be an exception Nils Svedmyr 09/06/2021 08:09 AM
(1-50/170) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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