CsfWebAccumulationChart » History » Version 4
Version 3 (Wil van Antwerpen, 01/07/2023 11:59 AM) → Version 4/5 (Wil van Antwerpen, 01/07/2023 12:04 PM)
# CsfWebAccumulationChart
The code for the above looks like:
~~~ text
Object oWebPieChart is a csfWebAccumulationChart
Set piHeight to 400
Set piColumnSpan to 12
Set psTitle to "demo Pie Chart"
Set pbTooltip to True
//Object oBarArea is a csfWebChartArea
// Set psBackground to "cornSilk"
// //Set psBorderColor to "green"
// //Set piBorderWidth to 2
Object oDataSeries is a csfWebChartAccumulationSeries
Set psInnerRadius to "40%"
Set piStartAngle to 0
Set piEndAngle to 360
Set psSelectionMode to "Point"
Set psName to "Revenue"
Set pbDataLabelVisible to True // temporary hack (might change)
Procedure OnAddChartData
Send AddPoint "Net-tution" 21 "21%"
Send AddPoint "Private Gifts" 8 "8%"
Send AddPoint "All Other" 9 "9%"
Send AddPoint "Local Revenue" 4 "4%"
Send AddPoint "State Revenue" 21 "21%"
Send AddPoint "Federal Revenue" 16 "16%"
Send AddPoint "Self-supporting Operations" 21 "21%"
## Synfusion direct links
Documentation for the API is here:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/documentation/api/accumulation-chart/overview/
Tips & tricks here:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/documentation/accumulation-chart/es5-getting-started/
SyncFusion Chart control demo:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/#/material/chart/default-pie.html
The code for the above looks like:
~~~ text
Object oWebPieChart is a csfWebAccumulationChart
Set piHeight to 400
Set piColumnSpan to 12
Set psTitle to "demo Pie Chart"
Set pbTooltip to True
//Object oBarArea is a csfWebChartArea
// Set psBackground to "cornSilk"
// //Set psBorderColor to "green"
// //Set piBorderWidth to 2
Object oDataSeries is a csfWebChartAccumulationSeries
Set psInnerRadius to "40%"
Set piStartAngle to 0
Set piEndAngle to 360
Set psSelectionMode to "Point"
Set psName to "Revenue"
Set pbDataLabelVisible to True // temporary hack (might change)
Procedure OnAddChartData
Send AddPoint "Net-tution" 21 "21%"
Send AddPoint "Private Gifts" 8 "8%"
Send AddPoint "All Other" 9 "9%"
Send AddPoint "Local Revenue" 4 "4%"
Send AddPoint "State Revenue" 21 "21%"
Send AddPoint "Federal Revenue" 16 "16%"
Send AddPoint "Self-supporting Operations" 21 "21%"
## Synfusion direct links
Documentation for the API is here:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/documentation/api/accumulation-chart/overview/
Tips & tricks here:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/documentation/accumulation-chart/es5-getting-started/
SyncFusion Chart control demo:
* https://ej2.syncfusion.com/javascript/demos/#/material/chart/default-pie.html