


| Revision:

vdfsplat / Bitmaps

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  eclipse_debug_icons_source 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
ABVIEW.BMP 246 Bytes 22 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Removed a few folders we're not using and added...
Abconpal.bmp 246 Bytes 22 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Removed a few folders we're not using and added...
ActionOpen.ico 1.12 KB 24 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen statusbar add line number, small fixes
Debugger.bmp 6.8 KB 36 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen
VdfSplat.ico 24.6 KB 4 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Still a hardware source project, still VDF 12.1...
applications-science-3.ico 26.1 KB 47 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen better icon when debugger is running under a de...
breakpoint_view.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkp_grp.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
brkp_grp_disabled.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
brkp_obj.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkp_obj_red.ico 26.1 KB 67 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen red version of the breakpoint icon
brkp_type.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
brkpd_obj.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
desktop.bmp 246 Bytes 22 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Removed a few folders we're not using and added...
eclipse_debug_icons.txt 368 Bytes 60 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding a restart button, about to update the ic...
export_brkpts.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
import_brkpts.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
inst_ptr.ico 26.1 KB 62 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen missing icons
inst_ptr_top.ico 26.1 KB 62 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen missing icons
inst_ptr_top_green.ico 26.1 KB 69 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen darker green
restart_co.ico 26.1 KB 63 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen another icon for the restart icon
resume_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
resume_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
run_exc.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
run_excd.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
runlast_co.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
runtoline_co.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
skip_brkp.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepbystep_co.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
stepinto_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepinto_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
stepover_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepover_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
stepreturn_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepreturn_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
suspend_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
suspend_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
term_restart.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
terminate_all_co.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
terminate_co.ico 26.1 KB 61 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
terminate_cod.ico 8.85 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
terminate_rem_co.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
ttAsp16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttCrystal16.bmp 1.05 KB 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttarray16.bmp 456 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttbitmap16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttbpo16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttbroadcast16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttbutton16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttchkbox16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttclientarea16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttcodelist16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttcolordlg16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttcombo16.bmp 216 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttcomm16.bmp 240 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttcontainer16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbbitmap16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbchkbox16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbcombo16.bmp 216 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbcontainer16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbedit16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbform16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbgrid16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbgroup16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdblist16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbmodalpanel16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbradiogroup16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbspin16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbtab16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbtabdlg16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbtabdlgview16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbtabview16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbtrack16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdbview16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttdd16.bmp 220 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttedit16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tterror16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_dialog16.bmp 376 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_package16.bmp 824 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_report16.bmp 376 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_sellst16.bmp 376 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_view.bmp 376 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_wbo16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttf_webapp16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttfontdlg16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttform16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttgrid16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttgroup16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tthsb16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttimagelist16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttinclude16.bmp 1.3 KB 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttline16.bmp 220 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttlist16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttmenu16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttmixin16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttmodalpanel16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttobject16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttopen16.bmp 220 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttpanel16.bmp 246 Bytes 25 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Fixes in the ObjectInspector.pkg Adding control...
ttprint16.bmp 228 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttprogress16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttproperties16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttradio16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttradiogroup16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttreport16.bmp 376 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttsaveas16.bmp 208 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttsellst16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttset16.bmp 436 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttsource16.bmp 248 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttspin16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttab16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttabdlg16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttextbox16.bmp 220 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttimer16.bmp 216 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttrack16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
tttreeview16.bmp 216 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttview16.bmp 224 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttvsb16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
ttwbo16.bmp 246 Bytes 19 over 9 years Wil van Antwerpen Adding object inspector, invoke with Ctrl+Q whe...
variable_view.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
watch_exp.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
watchlist_view.ico 26.1 KB 7 over 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
workset.ico 26.1 KB 66 over 5 years Wil van Antwerpen Add icon

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
69 12/12/2019 07:12 PM Wil van Antwerpen

darker green

68 12/12/2019 07:05 PM Wil van Antwerpen

green instruction pointer

67 12/12/2019 07:02 PM Wil van Antwerpen

red version of the breakpoint icon

66 12/12/2019 03:33 PM Wil van Antwerpen

Add icon

63 12/11/2019 12:56 PM Wil van Antwerpen

another icon for the restart icon

62 12/10/2019 10:50 PM Wil van Antwerpen

missing icons

61 12/10/2019 07:42 PM Wil van Antwerpen
60 12/10/2019 06:48 PM Wil van Antwerpen

Adding a restart button, about to update the icons with hopefully a bit sharper versions of these icons

56 06/25/2019 12:58 AM Wil van Antwerpen

Moving to a branch so we can continue to use it under Hammer3

47 10/01/2015 09:00 PM Wil van Antwerpen

better icon when debugger is running under a debugger (includes the bug bitmap)

View revisions

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