


| Revision:

vdfsplat / Bitmaps / eclipse_debug_icons_source @ 62

Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  disabled 7 about 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
  obj16 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
  ovr16 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
  wizban 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
breakpoint_view@2x.png 426 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkp_grp@2x.png 956 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkp_grp_disabled.gif 173 Bytes 7 about 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
brkp_obj@2x.png 400 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkp_type@2x.png 779 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
brkpd_obj.gif 139 Bytes 7 about 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
changevariablevalue_co@2x.png 1.37 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
collapseall@2x.png 334 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
copy_edit_co@2x.png 877 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
copyviewtoclipboard_tsk@2x.png 994 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_exc@2x.png 1.42 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_persp@2x.png 1.42 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_view@2x.png 1.42 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_view_auto@2x.png 853 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_view_compact@2x.png 431 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debug_view_tree@2x.png 542 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
debuglast_co@2x.png 1.57 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
delete_config@2x.png 1.27 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
det_pane_auto@2x.png 819 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
det_pane_hide@2x.png 506 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
det_pane_right@2x.png 843 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
det_pane_under@2x.png 585 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
details_view@2x.png 652 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
disabled_co@2x.png 271 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
disconnect_co@2x.png 466 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
display_selected_mb@2x.png 846 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
dissolve_group@2x.png 1.21 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
drop_to_frame@2x.png 785 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
eclipse_debug_icons_about.html 1.43 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
eclipse_debug_icons_epl-v10.html 12.3 KB 7 about 11 years Wil van Antwerpen Added new icons from the eclipse project Moved ...
edtsrclkup_co@2x.png 809 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
enabled_co@2x.png 504 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
environment_co@2x.png 1.17 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
expandall@2x.png 422 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
export_brkpts@2x.png 669 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
export_config@2x.png 1.82 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
filter_ps@2x.png 644 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
hierarchicalLayout@2x.png 230 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
import_brkpts@2x.png 748 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
link_proto@2x.png 2.19 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
lock_co@2x.png 1.28 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
memory_view@2x.png 836 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
memoryreset_tsk@2x.png 1.1 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
metharg_obj@2x.png 673 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
module_view@2x.png 857 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
monitorexpression_tsk@2x.png 484 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
new_con@2x.png 888 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
new_proto@2x.png 2.69 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
next_thread_nav@2x.png 897 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
pin@2x.png 956 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
prev_thread_nav@2x.png 1.02 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
printview_tsk@2x.png 1.1 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
profile_exc@2x.png 1.43 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
prop_ps@2x.png 901 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
register_view@2x.png 361 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
rem_all_co@2x.png 1.58 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
rem_co@2x.png 955 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
removememory_tsk@2x.png 1.01 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
reset_proto@2x.png 2.44 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
restart_co@2x.png 1.34 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
resume_co@2x.png 1.02 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
run_exc@2x.png 1.2 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
runlast_co@2x.png 1.62 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
runtoline_co@2x.png 492 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
skip_brkp@2x.png 1.03 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepbystep_co@2x.png 1.06 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepinto_co@2x.png 761 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepover_co@2x.png 1014 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
stepreturn_co@2x.png 798 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
suspend_co@2x.png 715 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
synced@2x.png 872 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
term_restart@2x.png 948 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
terminate_all_co@2x.png 1.11 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
terminate_co@2x.png 517 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
terminate_rem_co@2x.png 1.32 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
tnames_co@2x.png 892 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
toggledetailpane_co@2x.png 707 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
unlink_proto@2x.png 2.36 KB 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
var_cntnt_prvdr@2x.png 696 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
variable_view@2x.png 574 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
watch_exp@2x.png 772 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
watchlist_view@2x.png 764 Bytes 61 about 5 years Wil van Antwerpen
  • bugtraq:number: true

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
61 12/10/2019 07:42 PM Wil van Antwerpen
56 06/25/2019 12:58 AM Wil van Antwerpen

Moving to a branch so we can continue to use it under Hammer3

7 12/15/2013 11:28 AM Wil van Antwerpen

Added new icons from the eclipse project
Moved some code around, added disabled icons, which worked for a bit and then ended up messing with the normal icons.
That turned out to be an issue in the commandbar icon loading which I patched by including some code from VDF17.1...

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