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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
45 The Hammer Bug New Low CM: Suggestion list can overlap what you type 04/08/2017 08:35 AM
46 The Hammer Bug New Low CM: Using enter on a suggestion list inserts unwanted enter in text 04/08/2017 08:15 AM
55 The Hammer Bug New Low INI file does not use defaults when upgrading 06/22/2017 05:50 PM
59 The Hammer Bug New Low Add DataFlex Images as a Scope Wil van Antwerpen 06/25/2017 12:54 PM
169 DfRefactor Bug New Low Unused variables: Struct declared within a method has its guts removed 01/23/2020 12:05 AM
172 DfRefactor Bug New Low InternetUpdate.ico 05/11/2020 12:14 PM
72 The Hammer Feature New Low Scope highlighting 07/22/2017 02:15 PM
73 The Hammer Feature New Low Tab Group support 07/23/2017 10:35 AM
78 The Hammer Feature New Low Code explorer support for gosub/goto labels 08/17/2017 08:59 AM
116 Source Code Tools Feature New Low Add method/object name as comment at the end 08/14/2018 10:32 AM
40 The Hammer Suggestion New Low Have option to change whitespace to tabs and viceversa 03/29/2017 04:50 PM
41 The Hammer Suggestion New Low Display annotation help for properties already defined 03/29/2017 04:52 PM
3 COM Manifest Manager Bug New Normal Not recognizing a registered COM component. 08/09/2013 08:27 PM
9 The Hammer Bug New Normal Column operation should not invoke closed bracket check 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
18 The Hammer Bug New Normal Superfluous end_function crashes the parser 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
168 vWin32fh Windows File Handling Bug New Normal Load of Windows.pkg on wrong position 01/08/2020 01:52 PM
21 The Hammer Bug New Normal Sometimes file shows up as readonly 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
22 The Hammer Bug New Normal Added CodeSpy app to config, but does not start 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
23 The Hammer Bug New Normal Dependency scanner appears to be broken 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
60 The Hammer Bug New Normal Sub-codelist (File Names) on some db-related commands 06/25/2017 01:05 PM
74 The Hammer Bug New Normal Keyboard shortcuts don't work when focus not on editor Wil van Antwerpen 07/24/2017 02:03 PM
82 The Hammer Bug New Normal Shortcut keys do not show up after translation or might be wrong if they do 08/25/2017 09:39 AM
83 The Hammer Bug New Normal Shortcut keys on translated dialogs are static 08/25/2017 10:05 AM
92 The Hammer Bug New Normal Menu Database > database viewer opens dbExplorer in the wrong workspace 09/18/2017 09:17 PM
93 The Hammer Bug New Normal OEM Line Draw characters are not correctly drawn in the editor 09/18/2017 09:21 PM
97 The Hammer Bug New Normal Register workspace in Hammer instead of by using the Studio Wil van Antwerpen 11/14/2017 12:13 AM
101 The Hammer Bug New Normal Control character shows up when hitting an unknown key combo 02/22/2018 03:44 PM
106 The Hammer Bug New Normal Code highlighting for constant integer define only works on hex, not decimals 04/04/2018 12:32 PM
107 The Hammer Bug New Normal Reindent on conditional looping statement wrong. 04/14/2018 10:50 AM
108 The Hammer Bug New Normal regex search uses length of expression for highlighting 04/14/2018 10:57 AM
110 The Hammer Bug New Normal Use regex in replace 04/14/2018 11:05 AM
113 Source Code Tools Bug New Normal re-indent logic on case begin 08/07/2018 12:35 AM
117 Source Code Tools Bug New Normal Counters not correct at end of run 08/16/2018 01:45 PM
119 Source Code Tools Bug New Normal if/else refactor adding begin/end in a string literal 09/22/2018 11:19 PM
120 The Hammer Bug New Normal Add scope word into the keyword list breaks code collapse and reindent 11/27/2018 12:20 PM
121 The Hammer Bug New Normal Objec neighborhood refactoring and BPOs 12/04/2018 05:11 PM
123 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Internal expression error on ReIndent 02/01/2019 12:30 AM
124 DfRefactor Bug New Normal double if is not handled well with if/else refactoring 02/02/2019 08:12 PM
130 DfRefactor Bug New Normal In DF CM images, sometimes 4 spaces are inserted 03/12/2019 11:26 AM
131 DfRefactor Bug New Normal DF CM images, do not remove blank lines 03/12/2019 11:28 AM
136 The Hammer Bug New Normal Studio - open current file should be in the default menu 04/29/2019 10:43 PM
144 The Hammer Bug New Normal Method Extract: OUT is not always correctly identified 05/31/2019 07:33 PM
147 The Hammer Bug New Normal Method Extract: Mislabeled IN on variables that are initialized in the method 05/31/2019 07:48 PM
150 The Hammer Bug New Normal Method Extract: Simple array variables are not recognized 06/01/2019 12:04 AM
153 The Hammer Bug New Normal Change color theme without apply still changes your theme 06/19/2019 08:02 PM
154 The Hammer Bug New Normal Search into a collapsed source will not open the node 07/02/2019 01:00 PM
155 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Reindent issue with indicators before loop 07/02/2019 01:17 PM
158 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Running a refactor over MSExcel can be really slow 07/10/2019 01:51 PM
159 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Unused variables, variable that has a comma does not get recognized 07/12/2019 11:13 AM
160 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Multiple line code with variable type casting mistaken for variable declaration 01/11/2023 11:31 AM
165 The Hammer Bug New Normal dbBldr and dbExplore in database menu open from current workspace instead of selected workspace 10/11/2019 10:30 AM
170 dfSplat Bug New Normal Array properties tooltip value evaluation 03/11/2020 02:01 PM
173 dfSplat Bug New Normal Property tooltip evaluations in another object show wrong value 07/16/2020 02:47 PM
176 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Export functionality does not work when grouped 10/16/2020 03:18 PM
179 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Pdf export has some issues with date columns 10/22/2020 07:17 PM
177 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Reordered columns don't always come back on reopening view 10/16/2020 03:06 PM
181 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Space in filename confuses parser 11/10/2020 03:37 PM
178 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Numeric data needs to be filled? 10/16/2020 03:07 PM
180 SyncFusion Library Bug New Normal Commenting out a column when using remember column logic breaks the list 10/22/2020 07:20 PM
184 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Don't change casing for struct members 01/17/2021 12:26 AM
187 DfRefactor Bug New Normal drop self has issues with multiple objects on the same line 08/10/2022 06:49 PM
188 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Keyword casing does not match DAWs case on some words 08/12/2022 12:37 PM
189 DfRefactor Bug New Normal Refactor Calc/MoveInt does not save changes 08/12/2022 12:46 PM
53 The Hammer Bug In Progress Normal Block select should allow you to edit multiple rows at the same time. Wil van Antwerpen 06/26/2017 08:39 PM
36 The Hammer Bug In Progress Normal TH3: Unable to find packages from DataFlex version Wil van Antwerpen 03/31/2017 08:11 PM
109 The Hammer Bug In Progress Normal Reindent, do not indent goto/gosub labels 09/10/2018 01:56 PM
149 The Hammer Bug In Progress Normal Method Extract: Partial variable name check 06/02/2019 01:43 AM
16 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Goto line fails when focus on code explorer tree 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
28 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Matching braces appears to try and match over multiple lines Wil van Antwerpen 03/29/2017 10:13 AM
57 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Trying to complete Class (first time appearance) - code list is empty: Wil van Antwerpen 07/25/2017 08:42 PM
76 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Last open file reopens file even if closing TH3 with no file open 02/20/2020 02:27 PM
87 vWin32fh Windows File Handling Bug Resolved Normal ParseFolderName: if filename part of path then not returning correct path Wil van Antwerpen 09/05/2017 11:20 AM
95 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Error on close after deleting a file currently edited in Windows explorer 09/09/2018 10:52 PM
161 DfRefactor Bug Resolved Normal Reindent a nested case get indented wrong 11/28/2019 10:01 PM
163 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal Trouble with codepages 11/15/2019 09:52 PM
167 The Hammer Bug Resolved Normal WebSet does not trigger object suggestion list 01/25/2020 06:50 PM
182 DfRefactor Bug Resolved Normal should be an exception Nils Svedmyr 09/06/2021 08:09 AM
4 The Hammer Feature New Normal TH3: Support for source with line endings other as CRLF 03/20/2017 05:38 PM
11 VDF Splat Feature New Normal DfSplat: Break on condition 03/23/2017 12:52 PM
12 VDF Splat Feature New Normal DfSplat: Play a sound on breakpoint 03/23/2017 12:53 PM
13 VDF Splat Feature New Normal DfSplat: Add profiling 03/23/2017 12:53 PM
6 The Hammer Feature New Normal Better Refactoring 03/20/2017 06:10 PM
14 The Hammer Feature New Normal Open File Under Cursor on table should open 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
19 The Hammer Feature New Normal Display easy DDO buffer 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
20 The Hammer Feature New Normal Add Back/forward navigation logic 03/20/2017 06:00 PM
48 vWin32fh Windows File Handling Feature New Normal FR: Ability to show the last windows error 04/11/2017 08:20 PM
174 dfSplat Feature New Normal Add support for Web Applications 10/03/2020 09:56 PM
175 dfSplat Feature New Normal Trace timings via a flamegraph 10/03/2020 09:56 PM
24 The Hammer Feature New Normal Add classes from wherever studio stores them 03/27/2017 12:24 AM
25 The Hammer Feature New Normal Workspace selector should not depend on Studio for registering new workspaces 03/27/2017 12:23 AM
37 The Hammer Feature New Normal Use annotations if there's an unmatched brace when you go to the next line 03/29/2017 11:13 AM
64 The Hammer Feature New Normal Use annotations for warnings and errors 06/25/2017 03:19 PM
68 The Hammer Feature New Normal Add copy as RTF 07/17/2017 11:38 AM
77 The Hammer Feature New Normal Convert tab to spaces - spaces to tab on selected text 08/16/2017 11:11 PM
79 The Hammer Feature New Normal Add option for delimiter in the menu 08/18/2017 02:16 PM
84 The Database Update Framework Feature New Normal Allow for changing the NULL/NOT NULL attribritute of a column in SQL 08/28/2017 08:02 PM
86 The Database Update Framework Feature New Normal How to delete the default constraint for a column 08/30/2017 01:28 PM
89 The Hammer Feature New Normal Code complete based on code from previous line 09/13/2017 12:52 PM
112 The Hammer Feature New Normal Add if/then/else on the same line refactor method 06/07/2018 01:37 AM
142 DfRefactor Feature New Normal Add Search and Replace dialog 05/20/2019 09:38 PM
(1-100/133) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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