


TH3-Keyboard shortcuts » History » Version 2

Wil van Antwerpen, 05/19/2019 01:17 AM

1 1 Wil van Antwerpen
# Keyboard shortcuts
2 1 Wil van Antwerpen
3 1 Wil van Antwerpen
There's a lot of predefined default keyboard shortcuts, but there's also a lot of possible shortcuts that are not currently assigned.
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Note that you can re-assign keyboard shortcuts as you want. I encourage you to look at the possibilities as maybe half of the possible keyboard shortcuts are currently assigned.
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We have tried to keep a lot of shortcuts the same or similar to what you are used to in the DataFlex Studio.
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You can find the currently assigned keyboard shortcuts via the menu. File -> Hammer options -> Editor Tab -> Keyboard
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Here's a list of some of the more commonly used keyboard shortcuts
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## navigational
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16 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Left Arrow | Moves the cursor one character to the left |
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| Up Arrow | Moves the cursor up one line |
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| Down Arrow | Moves the cursor down one line |
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| Right Arrow | Moves the cursor one character to the right |
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| Home | Moves to the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line |
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| End | Moves to the end of the current line  |
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| Tab | Indents to the selected text right one stop |
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| Page Down | Moves the text one page down |
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| Page Up | Moves the text one page up |
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| Ctrl+Left | Moves backward to the start of the previous word |
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| Ctrl+Right | Moves forward to the start of the next word |
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| Ctrl+Home | Moves to the start of the document |
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| Ctrl+End | Moves to the end of the document |
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| Ctrl+G | Goto Line |
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| Ctrl+Alt+Left| Moves to the beginning of the previous sentence |
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| Ctrl+Alt+Right| Moves the the beginning of the next sentence |
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| Ctrl+] | to jump between code block "begin" and "end", "while" and "loop", "procedure" and "end_procedure" etcetera |
33 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Ctrl+F7 | Synchronize the code explorer to the line of code where your cursor is positioned |
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| Ctrl+Tab | Activates the next view |
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| Ctrl+Shift+Tab | Activates the previous view |
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| Ctrl+Page Up | Scrolls the window to the left |
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| Ctrl+Page Down | Scrolls the window to the right |
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## Selection
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43 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Shift+Left | Extends the selection one character to the left |
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| Shift+Right | Extends the selection one character to the right |
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| Shift+Down Arrow | Extends the selection down next line|
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| Shift+Up Arrow | Extends the selection up one line |
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| Shift+Home | Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line |
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| Shift+End | Extends the selection to the end of the current line |
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| Ctrl+Shift+Left | Extends the selection backward to the start of the previous word |
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| Ctrl+Shift+Right | Extends the selection forward to the start of the next word |
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| Ctrl+Shift+Home | Extends the selection to the begin of the file |
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| Ctrl+Shift+End | Extends the selection to the end of the file |
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| Shift+Page Down | Extends the selection down one page |
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| Shift+Page Up | Extends the selection up one page |
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| Ctrl+A | Select all text in the current document |
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| Delete | Delete the selection |
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| Backspace, Shift+Backspace | Deletes the selection, or if there's no selection, the character to the left of the cursor |
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| Ctrl+Alt+F8 | Selects lines of text |
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| Ctrl+Shift+X | Swaps the anchor and the cursor in a selection |
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| Ctrl+L | Make the selection lowercase |
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| Ctrl+U | Make the selection Uppercase |
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| Ctrl+Alt+K | Deletes the remainder of a sentence |
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| Ctrl+Backspace | Deletes a word to the left |
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| Ctrl+Delete | Deletes a word to the right |
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| Ctrl+Shift+T | Tabify the selection, replaces spaces with tabs in the selection |
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| Ctrl+Shift+space | Untabify the selection, replaces the tabs with spaces in the selection |
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| Shift+Tab | Indents the selected text left one stop |
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## clipboard
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74 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Ctrl+C | Copy selected text |
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| Ctrl+X | Cut selected text |
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| Ctrl+Y | Deletes the selected line and places the text on the clipboard |
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| Ctrl+V | Inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point |
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| Ctrl+Z | Undo the last action |
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## bookmarks
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84 1 Wil van Antwerpen
85 1 Wil van Antwerpen
86 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Ctrl+Enter | Toggle a bookmark, create or remove a bookmark on the selected line |
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| Ctrl+Up Arrow | Previous bookmark |
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| Ctrl+Down Arrow | Next bookmark |
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## Find / Replace
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93 1 Wil van Antwerpen
94 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Ctrl+F  | Find in Document |
95 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| F3 | Find Next |
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| Shift+F3 | Find Previous |
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| Control+F3 | Find the next occurrence of the selected word |
98 2 Wil van Antwerpen
| Control+Shift+F3 | Find the previous occurrence of the selected word |
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| Ctrl+Alt+F3 | Find & Replace in Document |
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| Ctrl+Shift+F | Find in all files in the workspace|
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## Compile / Run
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| F5 | Build Execute |
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| F7 | Build debug run |
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## Save / Load
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113 1 Wil van Antwerpen
114 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| F2 | Save Current File |
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| Ctrl+F2 | Save Current File As |
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| Ctrl+S | Save all opened files |
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| Ctrl+N | New File |
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| Ctrl+O | Open File, select a file |
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## Various
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125 1 Wil van Antwerpen
| Ctrl+Shift+Down | Activate the code list control |
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| Ctrl+Space | Activates the code tip control |
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| Ctrl+F4 | Closes the file |
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| Ctrl+Alt+H | Insert a revision mark |
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| Ctrl+Shift+N | Opens a new line above the cursor |
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| Alt+Left Arrow | Activates the creator List |
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| Alt+/ | Activates the list with IDE Tags | 
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| Alt+Down Arrow | Activates the object list |
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| Alt+Right Arrow | Activates the local variables list |
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| Alt+Enter | Displays the properties dialog |
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| Ctrl+Shift+S | Refactor option to clean Self references that are not needed in recent DataFlex code |
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| Ctrl+W | Select Workspace |
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| Ctrl+R | Sets the repeat count for the next command * does this work? * |
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| Alt+A | Toggle the current line comment |
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| Insert | Toggles between inserting and replacing text |
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| Ctrl+Alt+T | Shows or hides whitespace indicators |
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| Ctrl+H | Inserts a header into the current file |
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| Alt+F1 | Activates the codeview window |